The way


Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 157.6 km | Duration: 97:0 h | Ascent: 2894 m | Descent: 3123 m

Marking & signposting

The signposting of the Rothaarsteig has become a role model throughout Europe. If you follow the memorable logo, you will always arrive safely. In addition, signposts at all forks and crossroads inform you of the current location, including altitude, local, long-distance and refreshment destinations as well as the respective distances.


The Rothaarsteig is also marked at regular intervals for safe hiking. These markings are always checked by the Rothaarsteig trail markers or the rangers of the Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW and tightened if necessary. The safe hiking markings are an essential feature of the certification as a "Hikeable Germany Quality Trail".

The markimarkings on the Rothaarsteig

  • The Rothaarsteig main trail from Brilon to Dillenburg is marked with a white lying R on a red background.
  • The Rothaarsteig access and departure paths are marked with a black horizontal R on a yellow background.
  • The circular hiking trails, the so-called Rothaarsteig trails, are marked with a white horizontal R on a black background.

Rothaarsteig Übersichtskarte